Bob's Burgers
Bob's Burgers is an American animated sitcom created by Loren Bouchard for the Fox Broadcasting Company.
The show centers on the Belcher family – Bob, Linda, and their children Tina, Gene, and Louise. The family runs a burger restaurant on Ocean Avenue in an unnamed seaside community. As well as assisting in the restaurant, the Belcher children all attend Wagstaff school. Several episode plot lines involve the children's escapades in and out of school. 13-year old Tina, at the beginning of adolescence, struggles with her attraction to boys. The most common target for her affections is Pesto's eldest son, Jimmy Junior. Episodes will sometimes involve a single storyline involving all of the Belchers, or will have two simultaneous stories for different groups of the family. The family members interact with many recurring characters who are also residents of the town. (Wikipedia)
Watch Bob's Burgers Episodes Online
S14E13: Butt Sweat and Fears
S14E11: Mission Impossi-Bob
S14E12: Jade in the Shade
[Trailer] Bobs Burgers - TV Trailer - Season 1
[Trailer] Bob's Burgers Season 7 Trailer
Bob's Burgers Casts
H. Jon Benjamin
Bob Belcher (voice)
Kristen Schaal
Louise Belcher (voice)
Eugene Mirman
Gene Belcher (voice)
John Roberts
Linda Belcher (voice)
Dan Mintz
Tina Belcher (voice)